Able to set Id using api to add contacts to list?

When creating a contact list from a CSV file you can specify an Id field and on import the id field contents are used as the inin-outbound-id which is very convenient. However, when I add contacts to the same list and send an Id with the contact it does not use this value as the id for the contact. I also tried sending 'inin-outbound-id' as a piece of data but it still used a randomly generated id.Is there anyway to set the Id when using the /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts api call?


This is supported, but the documentation is lacking some info. If you set the data.custom-id property, it will be used as the contact's ID. The ID property goes on the contact object though, not in the data. Example request:

  "id": 2002,
  "contactListId": "c236c9fa-5af7-4de7-a9ee-94f1fe475c3e",
  "data": {
      "custom-id": 2002,
      "name": "test 22",
      "number": "3175552002"
  "callable": true

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