Callback timeout to be answered

Good morning, Forum:

If we schedule a callback by using the Architect In-Queue CallFlow Action called Create Callback,

  1. How long will the callback remain in the queue until it is answered?
  2. Genesys Cloud set any timeout to answer this type of interactions?
    2.1. If so, what happens to callback interactions that could not be answered by agents in the timeout defined?
  3. If not, it is possible to set a threshold or limit of the number of callbacks created in order to stop to offer them in an in-queue call flow?

If we schedule a callback by using the POST conversations API create callback endpoint:

  1. How long will the callback remain in the queue until it is answered?
  2. Genesys Cloud set any timeout to answer this type of interactions?
    2.1. If so, what happens to callback interactions that could not be answered by agents in the timeout defined?

Thank you, I appreciate your clarifications.




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Good afternoon Tim:

Thank you for your confirmations. In order to prevent the agents to do not dial a received callback interaction, could we set a timeout using the API or a native-platform mechanism, to make the dial automatically?

Thank you.

I don't believe auto-dial is a feature for callbacks. You could implement that via API, but that API requires a user context, meaning you have to use an auth token from an implicit, auth code, or SAML2 Bearer grant.

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Thank you Tim. What API endpoint should we use in order to do that on behalf of a user?

Place a new call as part of a callback conversation.

POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}

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And a related question, if I understood well, is: we could use a general user to do that or should we get the agent authentication information that answered the callback in order to do that?

I'm fairly sure the user has to be on the conversation; should be quick to test.

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Thank you Tim. Appreciate your help.

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