PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery issue

I am trying to call the the PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery using UsersApi(). However it says that UsersApi() cannot find the definition for PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery. But the in the example mentioned below, it clearly says otherwise.

var api=new UsersApi();
UserDetailsQuery body = new UserDetailsQuery();


            AnalyticsUserDetailsQueryResponse result = api.PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery(body);


Are you using the latest version of PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2 (8.0.0)? UsersApi. PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery is definitely there.

Hi, i updated the nuget package and its fine for UsersAPI, however all the "AnalyticsApi" function calls are failing now.
for exmple:

var apiInstance=new AnalyticsApi();
var result = apiInstance.PostUsersAggregatesQuery(body);

May i know is this a big change which i need to do in already working piece of code? Also the documentation is still referring to older version of API, so i am not sure if this is an actual update or a bug.

In what way are they failing? Are you getting 4xx or 5xx responses? Or are you having compile time errors?

The documentation at appears to be up to date. Can you be specific about where you are seeing outdated documentation and exactly what you believe is outdated?

Its the compilation errors for AnalyticsApi saying that AnalyticsApi does not contain the definition for "PostConversationsAggregatesQuery".
When i look at the document of AnalyticsApi, i can not see this method anymore(in latest version). However i can see "PostAnalyticsConversationsAggregatesQuery".

So what i am trying to understand is that are all the functions/methods prior to this update are still with same names?

No, the names have changed from the pre-release SDK (version 0.x.x) to the stable release SDK (version 1.0.0+). See this post for the announcement about the stable release:

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Thanks Tim, i guess i need to catch up with all the updates :slight_smile: